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Voluntary Background Certification

Background Certification Services Provided by TCLogiq

The MissTravel site is designed for members to initiate contact with each other. This means that users are advised to use their best judgment to screen potential travel partners. Additionally, when traveling to unfamiliar destinations, we advise users to remain aware of their surroundings at all times. is entirely based around the experience of meeting new people and exploring new places. To ensure that every trip remains as fun and exciting as the next, we advise all users to go through our background check process. Although highly advised, the background screening process is not mandatory.

When users are using the search option to filter verified members only there is an option under the “Refine Your Search” panel. Beneath the “Other Quick Filters” list should be the option for “Background Verified”.

Through our partnership with TClogiQ, MissTravel users are reassured that members are clear of conviction or imposition of legal offenses including (but not limited to):

  • Sex Crimes
  • Felonious Assaults and Battery
  • Violent Crimes
  • Domestic Violence

When a background screening has cleared successfully, a badge will appear on the users profile page and a green check mark will appear adjacent to the users profile search result.

When you select the Background Verified icon on a users profile, a window should open stating the users identification number, and date of passing the background check.

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